Wednesday, March 11, 2020

How does Robert Louis Stevenson in Jekyll and Hyde negotiate the leap between mystery and paranormal Essay Example

How does Robert Louis Stevenson in Jekyll and Hyde negotiate the leap between mystery and paranormal Essay Example How does Robert Louis Stevenson in Jekyll and Hyde negotiate the leap between mystery and paranormal Paper How does Robert Louis Stevenson in Jekyll and Hyde negotiate the leap between mystery and paranormal Paper they might think. If the novel were set in a far away area, like Dracula is, the reader would feel safe and calm. Being in London the reader feels in danger and cautious. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was first published in 1886, a time at when people were judged by their looks. In The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde there is constant reference to the way Hyde looks, and every description talk of how awful and strange he looks. For example on pg 15, there is description of Hydes appearance according to Mr Enfield. The description is fairly long, but it uses words like something wrong with his appearance displeasing deformed downright detestable In other descriptions words like this or of that nature are used to describe Hydes looks, and it is repeated often. Due to the repeats, it is engraved in the readers brains, and so they remember how he looks whenever they read his name and therefore it makes the descriptions seem more realistic. Throughout the novel, Stevenson just adds little bits of realism into the descriptions of objects. For example, at the start of The last Night chapter, Poole wipes himself with a red handkerchief. Why do we need to know its red? Thats irrelevant, you might think. But knowing the colour of it gives us a sense of knowledge of what is happening and makes the novel more realistic. Also, red is associated with blood. It is little things like that, and other bigger uses of realism, that allow Stevenson to negotiate the jump between mystery and paranormal.

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