Thursday, December 19, 2019

Why Screening Should Be Recommended - 3247 Words

Identification of Articles Through my search for articles I discovered that there were no studies of randomized controlled trials, and there were therefore no systematic reviews or Meta analyses of randomized controlled trials related to my topic question. This limited the variety and amount of studies that could be utilized to help answer my question. I found a variety of observational studies that addressed melanoma screening that did not address my exact question I was trying to address. In my search I also discovered articles related to self-melanoma screening, which would not help address my question as well. I found that broadening my search term to skin cancer screening compared to just melanoma screening helped me find more articles related to my topic that addressed whether screening for melanoma decreased mortality rates compared to no screening recommendations. I decided on the systematic review of observational studies that addressed whether screening should be recom mended even though it addressed more areas of my topic than I wanted to cover, this helped establish a conclusion for my paper. I also decided on a prospective cohort study that had similar objectives to the first article, but also addressed high-risk patients in more detail than the first one, which relates to my question. This process aided me in selecting the best two articles to help address my question. Results Study 1 Goldberg, M. S., Doucette, J. T., Lim, H. W., Spencer, J., Carucci,Show MoreRelatedImportance Of Cervical Cancer Screening1278 Words   |  6 Pages(USPSTF) recommends cervical cancer screening with cytology testing (also known as a Pap Smear) every three years in women ages 21 to 65 (U.S. Preventative Services Task Force [USPSTF], 2016a). The USPSTF has graded this recommendation with an â€Å"A† indicating that they have a high level of certainty that the screening will prove to be beneficial, rather than harmful to the patient (USPSTF, 2016a). However, if this patient would prefer to receive cervical cancer screening every five years, the USPSTF alsoRead MoreDoes Detecting Breast Cancer with MRIs Increase the Rate of Mastectomies?903 Words   |  4 Pagesincrease rates of mastectomy. However, different studies have been performed and no proof of this has been recorded (Dang and Zaguiyan et al 937). Although many people think that mastectomy may increase with MRI’ s, I feel that these types of screenings should be more recommendable for women at high risk for breast cancer, because cancer, if not treated on time might be fatal. 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